Saturday, November 20, 2010


Alex celebrated Juliette Low's birthday the day before Halloween. She was the founder of Girl Scouts. The girls really seem to be enjoying the troop and I'm enjoying being the leader. I love being able to get to know the kids in Alex's class and the other Kindy classes and that follows over when I volunteer in the school library and classroom.
We had a new kids salon open-Sweet and Sassy-Alex got to ride in the limo at the Grand Opening. Very Tres Chic. I managed to snag some gift certificates so the next time she gets her hair cut, she can get a manicure too. She's very excited! We do spa days at home and she absolutely loves it, she just melts.
It wouldn't be fall without a romp in the leaves. It barely seems like fall since we've had such nice weather. It's about the usual time I put up the x-mas lights outside but since we haven't had any cold weather yet, it just doesn't seem right.

Halloween 2010

Monday, September 06, 2010

Johnson Shut-Ins & Elephant Rock


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Fun

Monday, June 14, 2010

Running Away to the Circus

Circus Flora is truly a St Louis gem. We've been going for years, even before Alex was born and we've been twice a year for the last 3. This years show is the best, its awe inspiring, beautiful, funny, magical, amazing. Last night was even more magical-Alex got to be in the circus! She of course had a circus outfit(big surprise, right)-a circus tent skirt and a shirt with her favorite clown-Nino. It got Nino's attention and he picked her to help him. She got to go to center ring, bow to the audience and use a baton to conduct the band. She was awesome! I wish we could have taken pictures. She would of course preferred the trapeze, but you have to start somewhere. I would never have been able to do that as a kid and she just went for it. I'm so proud of her. She started getting a little shy with all the people coming up to her and telling her what a great job she did. We even had a couple of people tell us they thought she was a plant cause of the outfit and how well she did. I wanted to get a picture of her and Nino after the show, but she wasnt having it (I think she had gotten a little embarrassed and shy by that point), but as soon as he talked to her, she was in his arms. It was a magical evening, not only seeing an amazing circus but also seeing what an amazing life my daughter has before her.

Night at the Zoo

We were all very excited about sleeping at the zoo. It looked like it might rain, but we lucked out and we're able to sleep outside-that is until the sprinklers went off in the middle of the night! We then had to move into the exhibition hall which was air conditioned which would have been nice if our sleeping bags and us weren't soaked. Alex managed to get back to sleep but neither Troy or I probably got more than 2 hours. So no waking up to the lions roaring but we did have a fun nite hike and Alex enjoyed the games and animal encounters. I'll take a regular day at the zoo anytime but no more over nites.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Weekend Project

Here is our accomplishment this weekend. Alex was a big help and is very excited because we got fish to go in the pond (we'll see how long those last).
We also had fun at the park on a playdate. She got to see lots of animals, the horses being her favorite. We tried a letterboxing search, but we couldnt find it.
Alex finally lost her loose tooth. That one took forever. So now she has one on either side of her 2 middle teeth missing.
Since we weren't planning a trip for Memorial weekend, I pricelined a local hotel for one night so Alex could have some fun. She LOVES hotels and we had fun jumping on the bed and swimming. Alex has also got to go fishing twice with Dad. Its been a nice week.


I can't believe it-Alex's last day of preschool was last week. Where did the time go! She's had the same wonderful teacher for 2 years and we'll miss her. She gave us such a sweet card about how Alex always has a spring in her step and a song in her heart. Alex handled the last day really well and is just very excited about kindergarten. No one from her class is going to her school, but there is a boy from the class next door so she'll know someone there. She's made some really great friends, including the boy she thinks she's going to marry (boy is that scary hearing your 5 year old say that!)The year just went by so fast. I didn't cry, but it was close.
She also had her Mini Meet for gymnastics. She did well but I think the poor kid is cursed with my coordination. At least she has fun!