Things that shouldnt be funny, but are
We're still working on the correct way to pick up a cat, but Chance really doesnt seem to mind. Alex has been squealing and chasing him most of the day though and he's now hiding under the bed, trying to get some rest.
Had a fun day a Gymboree but Alex decided it was time to leave early when the parachute came out today. I think she's a little tired since her sleep schedule is still a bit bumpy and might have a bit of the sniffles as well.
Tomorrow afternoon is the big day when Alex gets to see the PBR bull riding in person. We went today for a bit of preview to a bull riders meet and greet. My favorite rider was there, but apparently he's not a favorite of Alex. He even played peek-a-boo with her and rubbed her back and was very sweet to her when she started to cry. I'm sure she'll have a better reaction to the bulls.
And she did enjoy the bulls. Very fast moving and lots of good music. It was a long 2 1/2 hour show so we took a couple of breaks to walk around. She was very upset when we left, she stopped in the parking lot, trying to pull us back in to the building, "No-Bulls, Bulls, Bulls". We watched it on TV that night and the next and I'm sure we'll see it today. Whenever its time for a little TV its either "Beast" or "Bull"