Saturday, February 28, 2009

Red Carpet and Rodeos

We didnt make it to the bull riding event this year, but Alex and I went to the Bull Draft and watched all the riders pick their bulls for the evenings event. Alex was very happy to see Guilherme Marchi, #1 in the world and Alex's favorite. She was much happier than when she met him 2 years ago (see archives)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lots O' Love

Alex had a blast at her school Valentine's Party. She asked me the day before to make her a dress for it, so being the Mom that I am, I of course had to oblige. Her second request was that Abby should be on it. Who's Abby you may ask. Let me introduce you to Abby, the Schipperke-our new dog! She needed a new home and we were lucky enough to be chosen for it. She's 2 1/2 years old and just a gorgeous, sweet girl. The only thing is, it might not have been the best idea bringing a dog that was originally bred to kill rodents into a house with pet mice. RIP Rory. Princess is now lonely and locked away in Alex's bathroom until we figure it out. The cats have gotten totally use to her and mainly have an attitude like "what do you want" though she still chases them around a bit. There's been no aggression between Abby and Kylie but Kylie doesnt seem to be too sure she wants anything to do with Abby just yet. I swear sometimes I think Rowan took over Kylies body when she died. But so far so good (well except for Rory)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pigeons and Pachyderms

Alex went to an appearance by one of her favorite authors-Mo Willems (he writes the Pigeon books for those of you not familiar with his genius). Alex had a blast. He did readings from several of his books and she thought he was just a riot. We decided not to wait for the book signing, Alex is not the only fan, there had to be close to a thousand people crammed into the little library.
Since we're experiencing Spring temps we took advantage of it and went to the zoo. Alex was beyond excited. She wore her zookeeper vest and we picked her up a zookeeper hat, so she was set. She even brought her own camera so she could take a photo safari. She was most excited to see Alex, Emmie and Rose-her best friends from the sea lion show and also the Sifakas which is what Zaboo is from Zaboomofoo (which if your not familiar is a show from about 10 years ago but Alex watches every chance she gets).
The big white sunglasses are Alex's "Rock Star" glasses, which she loves to wear when she's pretending to be a rock star aka Hannah Montana. She loves to Rock Out and has some pretty cool moves.


We got a little bit of snow-actually a lot by Missouri standards. School were closed for several days and gymnastics was cancelled. Snow days for a 4 year old just arent that much fun, she wanted to go to school and class. But we had to make due with building a fort in the snow and a snow woman. She had fun but declared that the snow wasnt as good as Michigan snow and I have to agree.

Magic Kingdom Birthday Party