Monday, July 28, 2008

An Unexpected Addition

Well, we hadn't intended to add another pet to the family, but fate seems to have intervened. Let me introduce Sherwood-so named because of where he is from-
As far as fate-we havent been for a walk in ages, the weather has just been too yucky. But Alex asked and it was finally not 90 degrees so off we went, in the opposite direction we normally go. As we're walking along the woods, we hear a noise-was that a really wierd sounding bird? Nope-thats a kitten meowing pitifully. Troy jumped right in to the rescue. Between Troy and I taking turns it took about 40 minutes to catch the little fellow, but we did just before dark and just before the storms started again. It must have been fate that we were in the right place at the right time to help the little guy. From the looks of him, he'd been in the woods for several days at least. We checked around the Lost and Founds and no one seems to be looking for him so off to the vets we went, where we found out hes only about 8 weeks old. Alex is of course instantly in love and has asked to keep him so-
We dont know where he came from or if he's ever had a home before, but hes doing good now. Its only been a couple of days and he's letting us pick him up and pet him, no problems and getting along with Chance just fine, still hisses at Kylie. He's still spending alot of time hiding but he'll get there eventually, he's very sweet.


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