Saturday, October 31, 2009


It was Parent Education week at Gymnastics, which just means you get to sit inside the room and listen to them during the class, instead of just watching from outside the window. Alex's class is great, just two other little girls, and the amazing thing is, one of the other girls and Alex share the exact same birthday! What are the odds of that. Miss Jill the teacher is really patient with them. Alex tries to do what she's suppose to and does listen, but she's a little more lalala about doing it exactly right. She unfortunately has my coordination so I think its going to be the arts (acting, singing and "interpretive" dance) for her.

Alex was a "Snow Fairy Princess" for Halloween. She decided around the end of August and stuck with it. She really loved her costume and got lots of compliments. She did feel the need to correct anyone who called her an angel. Lots and Lots of snowflakes and icicles and her face was "frosted" with glimmer dust and she had a diamond snowflake on her cheek.

The school had a pajama party for Halloween. Guess thats their way of getting around the Halloween controversy. Most of the games and snacks and stories and such are still Halloween themed. She had a blast. She really loves her teachers, Miss Maureen and the assistant Miss Angela. Then that night we went back to school and they had a Halloween party with activities and trick or treating.
Halloween afternoon, she went to a birthday party for one of her school friends, Maya, whom she really likes (and Maya must like her too since she could only invite 3 kids from class and Alex was one of them). She had a blast since it was at Incredible Pizza Company which is one of Alexs favorite places. Then that night we went trick or treating at the mall. Between all that and trick or treating at Disney World, she has enough candy to last until next year.


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