Monday, June 05, 2006

Fables, Fun and Fairy Dust

Tuesday was another fun day at Storytime. Now that school is out, more kids are coming so Alex is having a blast watching everyone. I can see we're going to have to work on the fact that staring is rude. Wednesday at Gymboree we met a little girl about Alex's age whose name was Blue, thats a new one. From what we've encountered so far, Alex is probably going to have a lot of Olivia, Abigail, Emily, Lilly and Madisons in her class. Thursday was Storytime with Miss Jane. Alex got mentioned as the veteran of the group and what a good listener she always is. Friday at Swim Class we learned about going under water. Alex did great, no crying at all, just a little coughing. She went swooshing thru with her eyes wide up, coming up with a "what the hell was that about" expression. She enjoys swim class, but was ready to go after that lesson. Saturday we went to the Renaissance Faire. Right behind dogs on Alex's list of favorite animals is birds so she really enjoyed the birds of prey show. She wanted to get on the stage with them, but had to settle on giving the raven a dollar bill at the end of the show. It was great to watch her dance to the minstrels and play peek-a-boo with the fairies. No turkey legs for her lunch feast, but she enjoyed her favorite-corn on the cob. Going to bed is still an issue, she's screaming all the way to dreamland. Hopefully this will be a short lived phase. Shes's making up for what a great sleeper she was her first year.


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