Saturday, July 15, 2006

Catch Up

Alex has been keeping us very busy lately so no time or energy to write, but I'll try to play catch up while she naps. Here's her new little farm reading nook in the living room. I picked up a few things garage sailing that were just too cute plus she just loves her farm animals.
As you saw from her 4th of July photo, she definetly is Miss Independence. She knows exactly what she wants, even when she doesnt know how to tell us, though she is very good and very emphatic about shaking her head yes and no, especially no. Even Mallorie, the Gymboree instructor mentioned how independent she was getting at the last class. Alex is really enjoying Gymboree. Moving up to the older class seems to be working really well. There's usually about 10 kids in the class (unlike the last class which was lucky to have 5) so its much more stimulating and its a good mix of boys and girls. Now that swim class is over (more on that later) and her ability to sit quietly seems to have gone out the window (we may have to skip Storytime for awhile, didnt go so good last week), we're going to go to more gymboree classes. I'm going to try and hit at least 2 gym classes a week and a music and art class as well. She really loves music, shes such a little dancer. We're pretty excited (OK probably more so me than her) but when we go to Disney, she's going to get to see one of her favorite Playhouse Disney Tot Rock dudes-Dan Zanes. I can't wait for that trip. She's also going to her first concert (well actually her first concert was Black-Eyed Peas last 4th of July, but I'm not counting fairs) next month-The Wiggles! 2 years ago I would have said you were crazy if you said I would ever be caught dead at a Wiggles concert, now I'm actually looking forward to it. I cant wait to watch her dance. We just went to the Garden Wednesday night and saw Vargas, our favorite local band. There was a couple who show up at all their shows who can really swing dance, I think Alex wanted to join them. Instead she danced with Dad and it was adorable.
Back to Swim class briefly. We had our last class last Friday. Alex and Trevor (the one who comes with his Dad and seems to be about the only kid who got something out of the class) were the only 2 kids to show up. I was really disappointed in the class, it just was not geared towards its age brackets. Most of the kids ended up more frightened of the water than when it began. Alex really didn't enjoy the last couple of classes (she just screamed at the instructor if she approached us at all), but luckily she still loves the water. In fact she turned her water table into a mini pool the other day. We have it up on the deck now which Kudos to Dad he fixed. Its reattached to the house, all new floorboards, new ballisters so Alex can't crawl thru and the whole thing covered in stain. I'm really starting to hate painting, but unfortunatly theres still the garage to paint-ugh. That will have to wait a little while though cause I'm finally getting around to doing the interior of Alex's dollhouse. Thats about all the painting I want to do for a while. I've got that project going, and retiling the downstairs bathroom floor, the halloween costumes for Disney, some oudoor pillows and slipcovers for out on the deck and some scrapbooks to catch up on. That should keep me busy while Dads in Canada, especially since its still taking awhile to get Alex to sleep. Some nights are better than others but we're getting there. I just wish it was as exhausting for her as it is for me.
Its really amazing to see her grow, she's absolutly precious. Though during some temper tantrums I think she's possessed and on some days the bad moments seem to outnumber the good. Even still on most days one little hug can make everything better and a "nose" kiss is the best thing in the world.


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