Friday, December 08, 2006

Back on Track

Now that we've all seemed to have gotten over our sniffles and such, Christmas decorations are up inside and out, and holiday preparations and visits are slowing down-its time to get this blog updated. Much of November was spent not doing a whole lot since Alex and I kept passing colds back and forth. But that was more than made up for with a visit to Steve, Kirsten and the girls in Wisconsin. Alex had such a blast with JoJo and Sydney. She was having so much fun, it was nearly impossible to get her to sleep. The girls were great with her and Alex took to them right away. You could just see the little cogs in the brain working, absorbing everything the girls did. She really was little miss independent, going off hand in hand with the girls, wherever they would lead. Watching them all dance to the Wiggles was a hoot as was seeing her curl up with Lorraine to watch Alex's favorite sport-bull riding. Ray taught her to tickle which she does almost daily to peals of laughter. Going to Valley of the Kings was a very moving experience, as was seeing Alex content in Kirstens arms. Seeing everyone means so much to us and the trip helped Alex expand her horizons (and her wardrobe! Thank you Schutz's) by leaps and bounds. That growth has continued with a visit from Mimi. I think Alex wanted to impress Mimi and her vocabulary just about doubled during the visit, especially by saying Mimi and saying it often. Alex showed off her artistic talents with her drawing and what a smart girl she is with her puzzle solving capabilities. She played with all her animals and had tea parties as well, she's a busy little girl. She had Mimi going through just about every book she has and every song and rhyme Mom could think of. There were probably nearly a hundred monkey snapped out of trees by aligators with the number of times Alex wanted Mimi to sing that song.
Alex now has a fish. she loves just staring at him, pointing and saying"fishie". She loves to feed him, though she usually tries to give him enough food for a whole week.
As far as food goes, her tastes are expanding a bit. She finally likes yogurt, but definetly isnt neat about eating it. She'll eat just about any kind of fruit as long as its dried. Her favorite resturant is San Sai where she can eat an amazing amount of rice, chicken, and her ultimate favorite edamame. We're still working on weaning, she still has no interest in stopping whatsover so its a battle, but we're slowly making progress.
There's probably so much more for me to write about, she's just growing up so fast and surprising me with something new every day. But I'm tired and the brains just not up to speed so I'll do another update soon.


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