Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I know its been ages since I've updated. We've had the sniffles going back and forth for awhile now. I thought it was past, but Alex's nose has started running again. I think she can actually produce her body weight in snot (that's something you wanted know). Because of her not feeling great, we've been taking it easy. A couple of Gymboree classes. We've been trying to go on Saturday so Troy can take her and also so that she has a male instructor cause she's shy around guys. The instructor is pretty crazy though, so I'm not sure if she's wary of him more cause he's a guy or because he's a spaz.

We've tried to hit a few of the local festivals. Festival of the Little Hills in St Charles was a few weeks ago. We didn't stay long at all there, she just wasn't feeling up to it. We went to the Zoo for one of the evening concerts, but spent more time looking at animals then listening to music-big surprise.
This past weekend we went to the Japanese Festival at the Botanical Gardens. That was a nice relaxing time.
Also went out to the St Louis County Fair and had a fun time checking things out. She got a free bear from Build-a-Bear, got to see lots of dogs and animals from Purina Farms and Sea World and Busch Gardens and had lots of fun in the play area with all the Little Tikes Houses and slides. We set up our tent at home and camped out in the back yard. She thought that was pretty cool.

Today we have a big kids consignment sale to go to. Actually a little tikes house is on my list of things to look for, that and a new slide climber. She's pretty much outgrown the little tikes stuff we have now and will definitely need new ones by the spring.

She's just getting bigger everyday. I've said it before, but she just amazes me what a little person she is. Yes she can be a drama queen, but she can also give the best hugs in the world. Lets see, what little quirky things is she doing. Her two latest are whenever she see's a picture of a dog with its tongue out, she sticks hers out and starts to pant. She thinks its hilarious and she's right. She's also started holding her nose and doing "stinky face" when she needs a diaper change or smells something unpleasant. Its pretty funny. Your sense of humor definitely changes when you become a parent.


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