Tuesday, July 18, 2006

18-Month Check-Up

She weighs 24 pounds which is 6 oz more than at 15 months and still in the 50% for weight. She is growing like a beanstalk coming in at a tall 331/4 inches which is a whole 2 inches taller than just 3 months ago and boosts her back up into the 90% for height. Alex got a little impatient while waiting for the doctor but otherwise the appointment went well. Doc says she's right on track and like a lot of first born girls is asserting her independence early and advancing quickly.
With the heat wave we've been spending most of our time inside, usually playing either Castle or Farm shich are her two favorites. She's also really enjoying playing with her big drum full of musical instruments, especially the maracas and her wooden shape pattern puzzles. We did get outside for a little bit so Alex could swing. She would be very happy swinging for hours on end. Evertime I stopped the swing and reached to take her out, I got a big NO head shake. Here's some photos showing off Da's handywork on the deck.


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